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Something to be grateful for this Thanksgiving

Many people know Lucie’s story and why I started the Brain Cancer Collective. For others who have had to live through a brain cancer diagnosis – it will feel very familiar.

There are 2 reasons almost all of us have the same brain cancer story to tell:

  • The first is because the statistics haven’t changed for 40 years!!!

    That alone is a shocking fact – tell me another disease where outcomes haven’t improved over so much time?

  • The second is because there’s only one treatment option and if it doesn’t work for you, well, it’s too bad.

Why is there only one treatment option? Because brain cancer, as a disease, is complicated and there hasn’t been enough funding for research.

Why is it under-funded? For many reasons:  

  • Because the survival rates are low.
  • Because it’s a hard nut to crack.
  • Because some traditional funders want quick wins and success stories to tell and aren’t prepared to be in it for the long haul. But I am!

With the support that I get from people like you and the incredible collaboration I have with brain cancer clinicians and researchers, I’m able to continue pushing for that long-awaited breakthrough in brain cancer treatment.

I was like every other person affected by brain cancer – I clung to the hope that ‘my Lucie may be the outlier, the one person who may survive this horrendous disease’ – but of course she wasn’t.

With more research into brain cancer, survival rates will improve.

This is my Thanksgiving Fundraiser. I am thankful for the support that I get, for the clinicians and researchers searching for a breakthrough. And I’m grateful to generous people like you, because without you, we stand still, with the same outcomes and limited treatment options. And I can’t abide that – there is a cure, we just have to do more research to find it.

If you are thankful for your lot in life, please donate to help fund more research into brain cancer to keep hope alive for people diagnosed with this cruel disease.


With thanks,


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will help to accelerate brain cancer research
will aid in coordinating vital samples and data
is supporting Australia’s virtual biobank of brain tumour tissue
goes towards providing data to improve brain cancer patient care
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